Goddamit Robin Williams. Goddamit. Good Will Hunting is an amazing film which uses Robin Williams acting talent to the its full potential, not wasting on any on ridiculous humour or slapstick. This film had so much acting talent in it. Matt Damon was amazing in his role. There were some moments where I thought that Matt Damon actually stole the scene from Robin Williams. Both were great, but Robin Williams clearly won out as the better actor of the film. Ben Affleck was super fun in this film. Am I convinced that he is the dark knight yet. No....but I think he has the ability to pull off a Heath Ledger. The biggest surprise to me in Good Will Hunting was the love interest of Matt Damon. Not exepcting her to have a huge impact on Matt Damon's character and thought her to be an expendable character at first, she impressed me the most. Mostly thanks to Minnie Driver who really made her character part of the story. Another really underrated actress. Just because of her performance in Good Will Hunting, I am willing to give Beyond the lights a chance. Its an upcoming romance film going to be released this year which looks like total bullshit...but hey I'm gonna give it a shot.What else can I say about Good Will Hunting? The story overview you have seen it before...kind of but the direction with this film is so fascinating. One other element that I love about this film is the amount of details and realism put into it. Nothing seems over the top and the film seems so possible in real life. That's one thing I admire about Ben Affleck's films. The realism followed up in Gone Baby Gone and Argo. Yeah...and Casey Affleck is in this film. He is kind of funny. Wasn't really a big role that he did though. He acted as just one of Matt Damon's close friends. He did however add to some aspect to the amount of hopelessness that Matt Damon's circle of friends faced. Hopeless is not really the best choice of words but there really is no other way. More like hopeless freedom. If that doesn't make much sense, I basically mean that they are aware that they don't have much of a future and they have already given hope. All they do is just have fun and live their life. No careers for them and I actually kind of like them. I love the whole psychology aspect of the film. Robin Williams plays the psychiatrist of Matt Damon and in every scene, a sense of sadness appears in his face. For me Robin Williams was the best part of this film. As a friend and a psychiatrist to Matt Damon, Robin Williams does an amazing job keeping the feels real. This film deserves much more recognition than it gets and is definitely a really inspiring film.
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