Possibly the best movie of 1999, I can't believe it has taken me this long to watch it.Fight Club is definitely one of my top 10 films of all time. Maybe it will stay there. Haven't exactly watched all the movies in the world yet. This movie raises a lot of questions about life, rather just one major question; why should I give a shit at all. Society says this, we follow. Society says that, we follow. We're all playing a game 'Uncle Sam says.' Of course the film itself was simply badass. Edward Norton, Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter spells 'Great' in terms of the film industry. Heck, even the best supporting actor of 2013 was in it. I didn't even know that Jared freaking Leto was in the Fight Club. Awesomely underrated actor...or singer...both...in my opinion. Brad Pitt in this film is just that man you listen to. His amount of charisma is just too damn high. He is the ultimate badass. He doesn't give a shit about what anyone thinks. Sometimes, in your crappy little workplace life, you just wanna run away from it all and do what he does. Become free. All of us would love to become free. What's holding us back? Ourselves. We're all scared of what society thinks. Deny it if you want and unless you've got no pressure at all its the painful truth. Am I a pessimist? I would think not. Rather, I'd like to think myself as a realist. Edward Norton was also quite the actor. His portrayal of the average Joe is so perfect. Insomniac, hates his job, and under the illusion that popular shit is good. What's not to relate about him? He is us. We are him. In a shitty world, we have shitty jobs. Again, screw the world. I just love the main theme of this film. And also everything else about it. Except maybe Helena Bonham Carter. I have no freaking idea what she is suppose to portray. Her character seems interesting enough but maybe David Fincher could have done a bit more to maximize the potential her character had? I don't know. I am no director. Just a regular guy watching a great film. Keep in mind, this is not a movie review. Read it...does it sound like a movie review to you? This article are more like my thoughts on the film. Now, it might come across your mind that this is not your typical way to start your first blog entry. Might not. But honestly I don't give a shit. And feel free to disagree with my view on anything at all. I won't give a shit. Probably would just find it mildly entertaining. And if you haven't watched Fight Club yet, I highly suggest you check it out...if you don't like it you're probably a Michael Bay fanboy. I am going to end it with my favourite quote of Fight Club,"It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything."And see you readers in the next post which might or might not come pretty soon. Have fun.
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